Clone the Github location to the local directory
git clone<handle>/<repository>.git
Please Note: You don't need to create the root directory, the cloning process would create the directory.
change to the root directory
cd <approot>
Install all the npm libraries from the package.json
npm install
Sometimes this might modify the package-lock.json. Lets learn to do a first commit for this file
git status
This should display the master branch and the file package-lock.json as modified.
In order to check-in this file we need to do the following
- Create a new local branch
- Add the file and give a commit message on the local branch
- Push the changes of the local branch to the remote repository
- Make a pull request from the newly created remote branch to the master branch
- Review the pull request and merge this to the master branch
- Delete the newly created remote branch
- Delete the local branch
- Synchronize the local master branch to the remote master branch
Create a new branch
git branch packagejsonbranch
// Checkout this branch
git checkout packagejsonbranch
View the changes
git status
This should show the
modified: package-lock.json
Lets add and commit this change
Please note the dot (.) This a short form of adding all files
git add .
git commit -m "Package-Lock.json modification"
Lets add the remove origin site to this project
This is optional do this only if there is an error, even if its not an error, you can do this and git would ignore it
git remote add origin<handle>/<repository>.git
Ignored message
fatal: remote origin already exists.
Push the changes to the remote branch
git push --u origin
-u and --set-upstream are the same. This is to link the remote branch to your local branch so as to do git pull and push commands without the origin names
Login to
You should see a create pull request from the master, (Note: Green button on the screen)
Compare and Pull Request, when you click on this it opens up "Open a Pull Request".
Open a Pull Request: special note on the base:master to the compare: packlockbranch. Click on Create Pull Request. This opens up "Merge Pull Request"
Merge Pull Request: This show a confirm message. Once done this show Delete Branch
Delete Branch : This show your merge branch is deleted
Now we come back to your local computer branch
Move the checkout from packagejsonbranch to master
git checkout master
Delete the worked branch, ignore the warnings
git branch -d
Synchronize the master from the remote master
git pull origin master
Check the status of master
git status
It should display Already
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean