Step 1: Create the repository on
- Login to your account
- Go to the repositories list[yourhandle]?tab=repositories
- Click on New Repository
- Give a name example tourofheroes-app
- Select private or public if you have a paid account.
- Do not select Initialize this repository with a README (The default selection). The reason being Angular would generate this file and we would be adding this from local computer
Step 2: Creating the angular app on local computer
- Make sure that Angular CLI is installed as described in article How to install Angular 7 CLI?
- Go to the folder location you want to create your application
- Issue the Angular Cli command for initializing the application
- ng new tourofheroes-app --routing --style scss
- To keep this flow simple, do not change any files as of now
Step 3: Pushing these changes to
- Go to inside the folder created in Step2 namely "tourofheroes-app" cd tourofheroes-app
- Attach the remote repository that we have created
git remote add origin[yourhandle]/tourofheroes-app.git
- Push the changes to the remote repository
git push origin master
- If the credentials are not setup before, it would ask for the username and password. Do enter the same
Note: This assume that you have setup your credentials previously to be able to interact with using command line.