
Saturday, October 22, 2016

How to Setup a 3 Node Apache Hbase 1.2.3 cluster in CentOS 7?

The following needs to be done before beginning  the Apache Hadoop cluster Setup.

1. Create 3 CentOS 7 Servers HBNODE1, HBNODE2 and HBNODE3 as discussed in How to install CentOS 7 on Virtual Machine using VMWare vSphere 6 client?

2. Make sure Java 7 is installed and configured as default as discussed in How to install Java 7 and Java 8 in CentOS 7?.

3. Create the bigdatauser, bigdataadmin and the bigdatagroup as discussed in How to create a user, group and enable him to do what a super user can in CentOS7?

4. Make sure the firewall is disabled and stopped as discussed in How to turn off firewall on CentOS 7? 

5. Change etc/hosts file so that all the IPs and the names of the servers are resolved as discussed in

6. Using the bigdatauser setup password less ssh across the 3 clusters namely HBNODE1, HBNODE2 and HBNODE3 as discussed in How to setup password less ssh between CentOS 7 cluster servers?

7. Install Apache Zookeeper clusters as discussed in How to setup a 3 Node Apache Zookeeper 3.4.6 cluster in CentOS 7? Make sure you do the same as in step 5 for these servers too.
8. Install Apache Hadoop clusters as discussed in How to Setup a 3 Node Apache Hadoop 2.7.3 cluster in CentOS 7? Make sure you do the same as in step 5 for these servers too.

For each of the Servers HBNODE1, HBNODE2 and HBNODE3 do the following.

For each of the Servers HBNODE1, HBNODE2 and HBNODE3 do the following.
Login using the bigdataadmin
#create a folder for hadoop under the /usr/local directory
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir hbase
#change ownership to bigdatauser
sudo chown -R bigdatauser:bigdatagroup hbase

#Switch to bigdataauser
su bigdataauser

#move to a download folder and download hbase

#unzip the files
tar xzf hbase-1.2.3-bin.tar.gz

#move this to the common directory
mv hbase-1.2.3 /usr/local/hbase

#go to the hbase directory
cd /usr/local/hbase/hbase-1.2.3

#move to config directory
cd conf


#change Java Home Path
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-

#disable internal zookeeper
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false


#edit the hbase-site.xml

vi hbase-site.xml

    <description>The mode the cluster will be in. Possible values are
false: standalone and pseudo-distributed setups with managed Zookeeper
true: fully-distributed with unmanaged Zookeeper Quorum (see
    <description>The directory shared by RegionServers.</description>
    <description>The Zookeeper ensemble</description>


#edit the regsionservers file only on the master node hbnode1

vi regionservers


#move to the root folder and start the HBase cluster from the master node hbnode1
cd /usr/local/hbase/hbase-1.2.3


#This would start the regions servers in other node too
#check for the following process 

ps aux | grep hbase

#HMaster on master hbnode1 and HRegionServer on other nodes.

#view the status of the cluster in the following URL

This should display the nodes as well as other details like Zookeeper etc.

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