
Friday, March 11, 2016

How to setup a 2 Node Elastic Search 2.2.0 cluster in CentOS 7?

Elastic Search is one of the technologies out there that can search across the big data. It can scale horizontally as the data volume increases.  As with all installation check the current version before following this instruction.

The following needs to be done before beginning  the Elastic cluster Setup.

1. Create 2 CentOS 7 Servers ESNODE1 and ESNODE2 as discussed in How to install CentOS 7 on Virtual Machine using VMWare vSphere 6 client?

2. Make sure Java 7 is installed and configured as default as discussed in How to install Java 7 and Java 8 in CentOS 7?

3. Create the bigdatauser, bigdataadmin and the bigdatagroup as discussed in How to create a user, group and enable him to do what a super user can in CentOS7?

4. Make sure the firewall is disabled and stopped as discussed in How to turn off firewall on CentOS 7? 

5. Change etc/hosts file so that all the IPs and the names of the servers are resolved as discussed in
How to setup DNS entries for big data servers in the cloud or not on a domain in /etc/hosts file?

6. Using the bigdatauser setup password less ssh across the 2 clusters namely ESNODE1 and ESNODE2 as discussed in How to setup password less ssh between CentOS 7 cluster servers?

For each of the Server ESNODE1 and ESNODE2 do the following

Login using the bigdataadmin

//create a folder for elastic search under the /usr/local directory
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir es

//change ownership to bigdatauser
sudo chown -R bigdatauser:bigdatagroup es

//create the data directory for elastic search under the var/lib
cd /var/lib
sudo mkdir es

//change ownership to bigdatauser
sudo chown -R bigdatauser:bigdatagroup  es

//create the log directory for elastic search under the var/log
cd /var/log
sudo mkdir es

//change ownership to bigdatauser
sudo chown -R bigdatauser:bigdatagroup  es

Switch to bigdataauser

//download elastic search 2.2.0

//unpack the file
tar xzf elasticsearch-2.2.0.tar.gz

//move the elastic installation to the usr/local/es from the download directory

mv elasticsearch-2.2.0 /usr/local/es/

//switch to the /usr/local/es directory
cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-2.2.0

//move to the conf folder for the version of elastic search like
cd config

edit the elasticsearch.yml file and change the following settings

vi elasticsearch.yml

//copy the following comments and create the following

//remove the # 
//change cluster name escluster

//change node name ESNODE1

//change the path to data directory /var/lib/es

//change the path to the log directory
path.logs: /var/log/es

//give the IP address assigned to this server
//make sure you have a static IP and different for each server

//move to the root of the cluster server on any of the cluster. Start elastic search in all of 2 servers.
cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-2.2.0

//start elastic in daemon mode (background process)
bin/elasticsearch -d

//if you need to stop find and kill the process
kill pid

//check if the process is running
ps -aux | grep java

//check for ElasticSearch

//check cluster health
//you should find a JSON with
"number_of_nodes" : 2,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,

//check the version of elastic
//you should find a JSON with
"version" : { 

 "number" : "2.2.0",

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