
Sunday, December 18, 2016

How to work with Fork Pattern?

Login to the github account. Make sure that you have access to the repository which you want to fork.

Hit the Fork button. Once you click on the Fork button the repository would be forked to your github account.

This fork would be the origin for you to push changes to the repository that you forked. Basically you are making changes to your local fork and then giving pull request to the original source where the actual repository is.

Clone the forked master repository from the github to your local development machine.
git clone

Add the remote upstream to say where to get the remote repository
git remote add upstream

Verify the new remote named 'upstream'. You should see both 'origin' and 'remote' pointing back to the server link.
git remote -v

As a best practice do not work on the local master, create a  branch for every story or task
git branch branch-name

Check the branch that you have created.
The * on the branch name indicates the current active branch.
git branch

On of the greatest feature of git from other repository is that you don't have multiple folders for different release of repositories like mainline, dev, release 1 etc. You just switch between branches using the same physical repository.
The downside is that you can work on only one branch at a time. We need to ensure that we are in the right branch all the time. To switch to any given branch use the following command
git checkout branch-name

Work on the files, using IDE of your choice, to check which files are modified issue
git status

When you are done doing the changes, add those files to git and issue a commit before working on new files for committing.
git add .

To selectively add the files, go to the individual folders run the add command  using the file name or folder name.
Do a Git status and check the message about 'pending commit'. The add command has only 'staged' the changes. The changes are not committed yet.
git status

The next step is to commit the change using the following changes.
Commit will take all the 'staged' files and commit to your local branch.
git commit -m 'commit message detailing the changes.'

Check status and make sure changes are committed.
git status

Push these changes to your fork, if the branch name is not present, this branch is automatically created
git push origin 'branch-name'

Now log on the website.
From the drop down select the branch name that you just 'pushed'
Create a pull request targeted to the Origin repository
This will send a pull request to the reviewer who can review and merge the changes.
After the pull request is merged to the main master, we have the option to Delete a branch. Remember we have a local copy and a remote copy. So we have to delete both. Sometimes the remote fork branch copy can be deleted by the Pull Request taker. In this case there is no need to delete the remote branch on the fork.

To delete the local branch, move to the master branch before deleting your local branch
git checkout master

Force delete the local branch
git branch -D branch-name

If the branch is not deleted by the Pull Request (PR) on the Remote Branch
git push origin branch-name

Once manual step with this approach is that you need to synchronize the remote repository to your fork. This is not done automatically as sometimes people just want to work on that version of the fork only. This is not enforced by

Get all changes from remote
IMPORTANT: make sure that you have the correct working branch before you issue this command else your would replace your other branches and conflicts can occur.
git branch

Pull changes from the remote upstream branch
git pull upstream master

Push this changes to your local fork branch
git push origin master

How to switch default java version namely Java 7 to Java 8 in Mac OS X?

Once in a while Java versions on your developer environment needs to be upgraded and the new version needs to be the default across the different software that you would be using for the product or solution.

Before changing the default, find the current default in the system by typing

java -version

This should give something like 
java version "1.7.0_79"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)

Now check the other versions installed on the system

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

This should give something like
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
    1.8.0_45, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
    1.7.0_79, x86_64: "Java SE 7" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home

Now change the version to Java 8

export JAVA_HOME='/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8.0_45'

Verify if this is changed by giving the same command again

java -version

This should now show the changed default
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Source control management for products or projects

As with any software development, one need to know a source control for keeping the version of code for few of the following reason.

1. Keep code in safe place apart from your laptop
2. Have different versions of the same code
3. Collaborate with other developers
4. Have different releases and each have its own release cycles of Service/Feature Packs, Hot fixes etc.
5. Release management to separate development code vs shippable code

The choice right now in this age is

Go to the website and create a new git hub account or handle.

You have two choices
1. Make all the repository as public in which case you don't have to pay for it but your code is open and anyone can see it.
2. Make the repository as private but incur a cost starting from $7/month for personal and above for other types of account.

Source control pattern recommendation

"Fork Pattern is the way forward"
We all know that we came from traditional software development and we want to keep our branches till death and our old habits die hard. There is no reason for all developers to be working off the same branch.

The new mantra is to have a release version defined.Each developer takes a branch for himself for every story or task they want to do, make the changes, give a pull request to be merged with the master and once merged you delete your branch. In this way there are no conflicts between branches, nothing to synchronize across developers and each developer just throws his branch and takes a new one to continue. Do make sure that the solution is modular so that each of them don't step into others shoes.

So go ahead and change your archaic philosophies to accommodate this, and throw those old habit people who wants all branches of codes to be kept to work on legacy software as they don't want to move on.

Note: The cost was as of Dec 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

How to install JSON editor on Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers?

I am not sure why Eclipse thinks that JSON editor is only for the Web Developer IDE; but until they realize that the new way of development is using JSON even on Java big data world, we have to install the JSON editor inside the Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers for us to be able to edit JSON documents.

On the Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers, click on "Help" - > "Install New Software"

On the Work with, click on "Add".

On the "Add Repository" dialog
name enter "eclipseneon"

on the location enter ""

click ok.
The would try to get all the software available on this location.

Once the software list is loaded, filter by "Eclipse Web Developer Tools"

Find the software and place a check mark, follow instructions to install this software.

Once done, Eclipse Neon would ask it to you restarted.

Now you can edit JSON documents in Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

Note: As of this writing the Eclipse JSON editor has a blunder bug, which doesn't know how to handle arrays when it formats. We are surprised by the quality of deliverable not likely of Eclipse and not sure why this was not found.

A simpler editor is Json Tools 1.0.1 is the best in terms of formatting and handles large files. It does tend to be sluggish like any xml editor as the JSON files increases in size.

Update: Feb 2019
Do not use this JSON Editor or any JSON Editor for Eclipse as its buggy. Use the Visual Studio Code as listed here Changing JSON Editor in Eclipse