
Sunday, December 11, 2016

How to install JSON editor on Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers?

I am not sure why Eclipse thinks that JSON editor is only for the Web Developer IDE; but until they realize that the new way of development is using JSON even on Java big data world, we have to install the JSON editor inside the Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers for us to be able to edit JSON documents.

On the Eclipse Neon IDE for Java Developers, click on "Help" - > "Install New Software"

On the Work with, click on "Add".

On the "Add Repository" dialog
name enter "eclipseneon"

on the location enter ""

click ok.
The would try to get all the software available on this location.

Once the software list is loaded, filter by "Eclipse Web Developer Tools"

Find the software and place a check mark, follow instructions to install this software.

Once done, Eclipse Neon would ask it to you restarted.

Now you can edit JSON documents in Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

Note: As of this writing the Eclipse JSON editor has a blunder bug, which doesn't know how to handle arrays when it formats. We are surprised by the quality of deliverable not likely of Eclipse and not sure why this was not found.

A simpler editor is Json Tools 1.0.1 is the best in terms of formatting and handles large files. It does tend to be sluggish like any xml editor as the JSON files increases in size.

Update: Feb 2019
Do not use this JSON Editor or any JSON Editor for Eclipse as its buggy. Use the Visual Studio Code as listed here Changing JSON Editor in Eclipse

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