
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Source control management for products or projects

As with any software development, one need to know a source control for keeping the version of code for few of the following reason.

1. Keep code in safe place apart from your laptop
2. Have different versions of the same code
3. Collaborate with other developers
4. Have different releases and each have its own release cycles of Service/Feature Packs, Hot fixes etc.
5. Release management to separate development code vs shippable code

The choice right now in this age is

Go to the website and create a new git hub account or handle.

You have two choices
1. Make all the repository as public in which case you don't have to pay for it but your code is open and anyone can see it.
2. Make the repository as private but incur a cost starting from $7/month for personal and above for other types of account.

Source control pattern recommendation

"Fork Pattern is the way forward"
We all know that we came from traditional software development and we want to keep our branches till death and our old habits die hard. There is no reason for all developers to be working off the same branch.

The new mantra is to have a release version defined.Each developer takes a branch for himself for every story or task they want to do, make the changes, give a pull request to be merged with the master and once merged you delete your branch. In this way there are no conflicts between branches, nothing to synchronize across developers and each developer just throws his branch and takes a new one to continue. Do make sure that the solution is modular so that each of them don't step into others shoes.

So go ahead and change your archaic philosophies to accommodate this, and throw those old habit people who wants all branches of codes to be kept to work on legacy software as they don't want to move on.

Note: The cost was as of Dec 2016

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